Migration (2023)
Migration is an animated adventure-comedy from Illumination and features an ensemble cast including Kumail Nanjiani, Elizabeth Banks, Awkwafina, and Keegan-Michael Key. The cast takes on the role of a family of mallards who has lived in the safety of their pond all their lives and decide to migrate for a vacation. However, when the family discovers they migrated the wrong way, they end up in New York City, forcing them to find a way out and down to the Caribbean.
- Director
- Benjamin Renner
- Release Date
- December 22, 2023
- Studio(s)
- Illumination Entertainment
- Distributor(s)
- Universal Pictures
- Cast
- Kumail Nanjiani , Elizabeth Banks , Keegan-Michael Key , David Mitchell , Carol Kane , Danny DeVito , Casper Jennings , Tresi Gazal
- Writers
- Mike White
Migration Review: Illumination's Latest Is A Safe But Sweet Adventure Tale For Families To Enjoy
Migration doesn't take as many chances as its characters do, but Illumination's animated adventure story is breathtaking when it truly takes flight.
Migration Interview: Awkwafina & Keegan-Michael Key On Humanizing Their Bird Characters
Keegan-Michael Key and Awkwafina chat with Screen Rant about playing a parrot and a pigeon respectively in Illumination's latest film, Migration.
Migration Interview: Elizabeth Banks & Kumail Nanjiani On Making An Animated Movie During A Pandemic
Migration stars Kumail Nanjiani and Elizabeth Banks talk about their latest family film and working in a world of talking cartoon birds.
Migration Trailer: Animated Duck Family Gets Lost in NYC In New Movie From Minions Studio
The new movie from Minions studio Illumination, Migration, reveals a trailer, giving a look at an over-anxious duck family trying to go on vacation.