One Piece
Created by Eiichiro Oda, One Piece is a multimedia franchise that began as a manga series and follows the adventures of the Straw Hat Pirates as led by Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy, an enthusiastic pirate with a thirst for adventure, is afflicted by a mysterious curse that gives him various powers he uses to protect himself and his friends. The manga eventually gave way to the anime series, with the two being some of history's longest-running anime and manga series. Along with over fifty video games made over the years, the series entered the live-action world with Netflix's 2023 adaptation.
One Piece
- Created by
- Eiichiro Oda
- First Film
- One Piece: The Movie
- First TV Show
- One Piece
- Cast
- Kazuya Nakai , Akemi Okamura , Kappei Yamaguchi , Hiroaki Hirata , Ikue Ôtani , Yuriko Yamaguchi
- Video Game(s)
- One Piece: Unlimited World RED , One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 , One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 , One Piece: World Seeker , One Piece Odyssey
- Character(s)
- Monkey D. Luffy , Roronora Zoro , Nami (One Piece) , Nico Robin , Usopp (One Piece) , Vinsmoke Sanji , Tony Tony Chopper , Franky (One Piece) , Jimbei (One Piece)
One Piece's Creator Confirmed The Reason Why He Never Kills Characters
One Piece is a series that seems afraid to kill off characters, but the heartwarming reason why has been shared by author Eiichiro Oda.
10 Strongest One Piece Characters
While One Piece sports a massive ensemble cast, each of their powers are unique and differ in interesting ways. However, a few stand out.
One Piece's "Strongest" Character Is A Woman, And She's Criminally Ignored
One Piece already revealed its strongest character and she proves true strength does not come from devil fruits, haki, or even an ancient weapon.
'That Island?': One Piece's Creator Just Teased A Long-Awaited Adventure For The Straw Hats
One Piece's creator hinted at the next adventure for the Straw Hat crew during Jump Festa, and it could be the land of the Giants.
One Piece's Remake Can Fix the Main Anime's Biggest Mistakes For One Reason
Netflix recently announced a remake of the One Piece anime, and the new series has a big chance to fix the main anime's earliest mistakes.
10 Best Anime Chefs You Want Cooking Your Holiday Meals
Food is the spice of life for the holiday season, and who better to prepare a delectable feast than this set for anime chefs, cooks, and foodies?
One Piece Getting New Anime Adaptation At Netflix Following Live-Action Remake Success
Eiichiro Oda's One Piece will be getting a brand-new East Blue-focused anime adaptation at Netflix following the success of the live-action remake.
One Piece Prequel Anime Set To Release On Netflix In January
The prequel story of One Piece revolving around the samurai Ryuma has been confirmed for a January release date.
Shonen Jump's Heirs To One Piece Fail To Meet Expectations
Three manga that were made to replace One Piece and Shonen Jump's biggest manga are performing poorly popularity-wise reveals a new poll.
One Straw Hat Was Never Supposed to Be as Strong as They Became
A formidable Straw Hat fighter became powerful against all odds, despite greatly limiting his strength and not having a powerful ambition.
One Piece Episode #1088 Release Date & Time
One Piece episode #1088 will continue the intense battle between Boa, Blackbeard, and Koby as well as showing a bit more of the Straw Hats.
How Luffy Got His Scars in One Piece: Explained
One of the most iconic parts of Luffy's character design in One Piece are his scars, both of which represent very important moments in his life.
One Piece Reveals One Surprising Character Knew Luffy's Biggest Secret All Along
One Piece reveals one unexpected character may have known Luffy was Nika long before Luffy discovered his Gear 5.
One Piece Already Revealed Luffy's Strongest Enemy And He's Not Who Fans Think
One Piece has its fair share of powerful antagonists, but one man whom fans may not suspect is Luffy's biggest threat and has the power to end him.
10 One Piece Devil Fruit Powers We Can't Wait To See In Live-Action
One Piece's first season displays a diverse range of Devil Fruit across its eight episodes. However, it remains to be seen how many more will show up.
One Piece Reveals The Most Powerful Devil Fruit May Not Be Luffy's
One Piece reveals a surprising devil fruit is possibly much stronger than even Luffy's and can even copy his strongest transformation in the series.
One Piece's Live-Action & Anime Mihawk Actors Square Off In Hilarious Video
One Piece's live-action and anime Mihawk actors recreate an infamous meme, as Steven John Ward and John Gremillion meet at a recent convention.
10 Strongest Female Characters in One Piece, Ranked
While a lot of the attention One Piece garners goes to its male characters, there are a few female who are as capable as their male colleagues.
One Piece's History Was Changed Forever By A Battle Fans Never Saw
One Piece revealed that an unseen battle, including Luffy's brother and secret member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, changed the world forever.
One Piece Episode #1087 Release Date & Time
One Piece episode #1087 will show more of the new status quo of the world after Wano, likely focusing on both Koby and the former Warlord Hancock.