Rap Sh!t (2022)
Rap Sh!t is a comedy series written and created by Issa Rae for Max. Mia Knight and Shawna Clark are two former friends from high school who both struggle to make their lives work. A chance reunion leads the two to push their fortunes in their favor when they form a new rap group in Miami.
Rap Sh!t
- Release Date
- July 21, 2022
- Cast
- Aida Osman , KaMillion , Jonica Booth , Devon Terrell , RJ Cyler
- Seasons
- 2
- Writers
- Issa Rae , Elize Diop , Kid Fury , Chris Sanford
- Showrunner
- Issa Rae
Rap Sh!t Season 3: Will It Happen? Everything We Know
After two successful seasons on the air, the possibility for a third season of Rap Sh!t has never been higher, but will new episodes ever happen?
Rap Sh!t Season 2 Cast & Character Guide
The Rap Sh!t season 2 cast is returning for more of the story of Shawna and Mia's rise in the Miami rap scene and here is who is coming back.
Rap Sh!t Season 2: Delays, New Release Date & Everything We Know
The second season of Rap Sh!t is coming soon and here is the Rap Sh!t season 2 news, cast, story, and more.
10 Best TV Shows Like HBO Max's Rap Sh!t
From Atlanta and Dave to Empire, Blindspotting, Champaign ILL, and many more, discover the best TV shows to watch along with HBO Max's Rap Sh!t.