
Star Wars Rebels

Set between Episodes III and IV of the Star Wars film franchise, Star Wars Rebels is a canon animated series that follows a group of ragtag heroes who band together to face the Empire. In an age where the Galactic Empire is hunting down the last of the Jedi, a teenage outcast named Ezra Bridger is discovered to be force sensitive by a surviving Jedi known as Kanan Jarrus. Agreeing to join them and accept Jedi training, Ezra becomes a part of a small but growing crew of rebels determined to destroy the empire covertly.

Star Wars Rebels Poster
Star Wars Rebels

David Oyelowo , Steve Blum , Freddie Prinze Jr. , Tiya Sircar , Vanessa Marshall , Jason Isaacs , Taylor Gray
Disney Channel
Star Wars
Dave Filoni , Greg Weisman
Dave Filoni
Dave Filoni , Simon Kinberg
Story By
Dave Filoni


Set between Episodes III and IV of the Star Wars film franchise, Star Wars Rebels is a canon animated series that follows a group of ragtag heroes who band together to face the Empire. In an age where the Galactic Empire is hunting down the last of the Jedi, a teenage outcast named Ezra Bridger is discovered to be force sensitive by a surviving Jedi known as Kanan Jarrus. Agreeing to join them and accept Jedi training, Ezra becomes a part of a small but growing crew of rebels determined to destroy the empire covertly.


Ezra Bridger in a Night Trooper suit and with his new lightsaber  1
Ahsoka (2023)
Ezra Bridger's Lightsaber Design Is Perfect For A Jedi Spy

Ezra Bridger's new lightsaber takes inspiration from his Master's lightsaber in more ways than one. Kanan's lightsaber was just as useful undercover.

Sabine Wren in Ahsoka and Star Wars Rebels. 1
Ahsoka (2023)
Star Wars Rebels Was The "Foundation" For The Live-Action Sabine, Confirms Ahsoka Star

Sabine Wren actress Natasha Liu Bordizzo has confirmed her "foundation" for Ahsoka rested on Star Wars Rebels, as well as other Star Wars titles.

Animated Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels and live-action Ezra Bridger in Ahsoka. 1
Ahsoka (2023)
10 Ways Ahsoka's Ezra Bridger Actor Has Already Proven He's Perfect For His Star Wars Rebels Character

Ezra Bridger actor Eman Esfandi proved in Ahsoka season 1 that he was the perfect choice to translate the Star Wars Rebels character into live-action.

Star Wars Rebels 1
Every Season of Star Wars Rebels, Ranked Worst to Best

Star Wars Rebels was one of the first Star Wars titles Disney put out, and some seasons of the animated show are certainly better than others.

Ahsoka and the Star Wars Rebels characters 1
Two Star Wars Rebels Heroes Team Up Against The Empire In Amazing Cosplay Celebration

Amazingly accurate Star Wars cosplay depicts two prominent Star Wars Rebels heroes teaming up to save the galaxy from the threat of the Empire.

Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels characters 1
Star Wars
Star Wars Animation Is Some Of The Franchise's Best - So Why Is Disney Ignoring It?

Star Wars animation is some of the best parts of the franchise, but it seems likely that Disney is ignoring it in favor of other successful titles.

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Ahsoka (2023)
Ahsoka Star Explains Why He Didn't Do His Star Wars Rebels Homework (& It Makes Sense)

Ahsoka star and Ezra Bridger actor Eman Esfandi reveals just how much of Star Wars Rebels he watched to prepare for his role, and it makes sense.

The poster for Star Wars Rebels featuring the show's main crew next to a Legends image of Mara Jade holding a purple lightsaber 1
Star Wars Rebels Actress Knows Just Which Legends Character She Wants To Bring Back: Mara Jade

One of the actresses involved in Star Wars Rebels has weighed in on which Legends character she would love to see reintroduced to Star Wars canon.

Star Wars Rebels Jedi Night Kanan Jarrus Eyes Caleb Dume 1
"We Really Were A Family": Star Wars Rebels Actors Share Their Emotional Reaction To Kanan's Death

The stars of Star Wars Rebels share their emotional reaction to one of the show's most tragic scenes - the death of Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus.

Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars Rebels 1
Why Kanan's Eye Sight Returned In Star Wars Rebels' Biggest Moment

The restoration of Kanan Jarrus' eyesight in the biggest Star Wars Rebels moment connects both the story and the characters even closer together.

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Star Wars
One Pivotal Star Wars Rebels Moment Could Be Shown In Live-Action

Star Wars Rebels showed the true birth of the Rebellion when one iconic character denounced the Emperor, and this scene could come to live-action.

Ezra Bridger in animation and live-action with the Lothal Jedi Temple 1
Star Wars
Why Ezra Bridger's Homeworld Lothal Is One Of The Most Important Planets In Jedi History

Ezra Bridger's homeworld of Lothal, first introduced in Star Wars Rebels, has become increasingly important to the ancient history of the Jedi.

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Ahsoka (2023)
Ahsoka's Starmap Was Secretly Introduced 5 Years Ago - AND Linked To The Mortis Gods

Ahsoka's end credits star map was actually introduced 5 years ago with significant connections to the Force beings known as the Mortis Gods.

Darth Vader, the Grand Inquisitor, and Fifth Brother. 1
Darth Vader's Inquisitors Almost Looked Completely Different

Unused Star Wars Rebels concept art shows that Darth Vader's Inquisitors – and the Grand Inquisitor, in particular – could have looked very different.

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Star Wars Rebels Theory Reveals Why Ezra Bridger Is Vital To The Skywalker Saga

A new Star Wars theory reveals why Ezra Bridger is so vital to the Skywalker Saga as a Force-sensitive kid trained to be a Jedi during the Dark Times.

Ezra Bridger and Luke Skywalker both carrying green lightsabers. 1
How Powerful Is Ezra Bridger Compared To Luke Skywalker?

Ezra Bridger is very similar to Luke Skywalker, and though they’ve never met, one of these characters is far more powerful in the Star Wars galaxy.

Live-action Ezra Bridger in Ahsoka episode 6 and animated Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels episode 1. 1
Star Wars
Star Wars: Ezra Bridger's 15 Best Quotes

Ezra Bridger was recently found in Ahsoka season 1 and his appearance gave audiences more iconic quotes by the sarcastic Jedi.

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Ezra Bridger & Sabine Wren Team Up In Stunning Star Wars Cosplay

Stunningly effective Star Wars cosplay perfectly captures what Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren were like in Star Wars Rebels before the events of Ahsoka.

Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) commanding from his ship in the finale of Ahsoka season 1 1
Star Wars
All 21 Star Wars Grand Admirals (In Canon & Legends)

Grand Admiral Thrawn has become one of the Star Wars franchise's most famous villains, but there are others who share his rank in canon and Legends.

Why Caleb Dume Changed His Name To Kanan Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus had a completely different first and last name when he was training as a Padawan before the fall of the Jedi Order. Why did he change it?

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