What If...? (2021)
What If… ? is an animated anthology series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe which features fan-favorite characters, including Peggy Carter, T’Challa, Doctor Strange, Killmonger, Thor, and more. The new series, directed by Bryan Andrews with AC Bradley as head writer, features signature MCU action with a curious twist. The show sees Uatu the Watcher, an omnipotent being that observes the events of multiple universes from afar as they unfold, unable to interfere. However, things shift when an entity peers beyond the veil, jeopardizing the multiverse.
What If...?
- Release Date
- August 11, 2021
- Cast
- Samuel L. Jackson , Stanley Tucci , Michael Douglas , Sean Gunn , Mark Ruffalo , Karen Gillan , Tom Hiddleston , Jeffrey Wright , Michael B. Jordan , Toby Jones , Sebastian Stan , Paul Rudd , David Dastmalchian , Natalie Portman , Josh Brolin , Dominic Cooper , Jeff Goldblum , Hayley Atwell , Djimon Hounsou , Chadwick Boseman , Taika Waititi , Chris Hemsworth , Neil McDonaugh , Jeremy Renner , Michael Rooker
- Seasons
- 2
- Writers
- Ashley Bradley , Matthew Chauncey
- Franchise(s)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Directors
- Bryan Andrews
- Showrunner
- Ashley Bradley
What If Season 2: New Episodes Release Time & How Many Episodes There Are
What If...? season 2 is set to premiere on Disney+ on December 22, 2023, exploring brand-new alternate realities in the MCU's multiverse.
Star-Lord’s MCU Villain Story Hints At His Future Arc Years Before It Can Happen
Marvel Studios' Phase 5 will show how strong Peter Quill could be as an MCU villain, perhaps hinting at a future story for Chris Pratt's Star-Lord.
Marvel's Last Release Of 2023 Proves The Best Way To Bring Iron Man Back To The MCU
Although Iron Man had the perfect MCU ending in Avengers: Endgame, Marvel's What If...? proves that he can comeback while leaving his legacy intact.
All 14 MCU Villains Returning In 2023's Final Marvel Release - What If...?'s Rogues Gallery Explained
What If...? season 2 will mark the returns of many villains from the MCU's history, expanding on What If...?'s rogues gallery in the Multiverse Saga.
The MCU's Final 2023 Release Makes An Alarming Captain America Statistic Seem Even Worse
The MCU’s final release of 2023 will make a worrying Captain America statistic even worse that is a symptom of Marvel Studios’ wider problems.
12 Years On, Phase 5 Will Finally Make Up For 1 Iconic MCU Villain’s 2-Minute Defeat
One iconic villain from the MCU's Phase 1 is set to return in 2023's What If...? season 2, showing off more power than he managed to twelve years ago.
The MCU Is About To Pay Off 1 Hero's Darkest Obsession In The Coolest Way
What If...? season 2 gives Marvel characters the chance to live out their dreams, and one hero is capitalizing on one of his darkest obsessions.
The MCU Is Finally Bringing Back A Wasted Phase 1 Villain 9 Years After He Last Appeared
A new MCU series is bringing back a wasted Phase 1 villain who's returning nearly an entire decade since his last appearance on-screen.
The MCU's Last Release Of 2023 Is Fixing A Post-Endgame MCU Complaint With Its Loki Season 2 Connection
The MCU has one more release set for 2023, and it's already proving to address a common complaint about recent Marvel movies and TV shows.
Loki's MCU Multiverse Tree Returns With A Twist In New Marvel's What If Season 2 Trailer
A new trailer for What If...? season 2 teases more multiverse adventures for several MCU characters, and among the new details is a Loki connection.
Nebula's New MCU Look Revealed In Promo For 2023's Final Marvel Release
Nebula receives a brand-new look in Marvel Studios' upcoming What If...? season 2, which has been revealed in promo material for Marvel's game update.
10 Most Underrated Marvel “What If?” Stories From the 1990s
The '90s introduced some truly bizarre ideas to Marvel Comics continuity, including and especially in What If? comics. Here's the 10 most underrated!
Every Marvel “What If?” Story From the Late ‘80s (Ranked)
The first 10 issues of Marvel Comics' 2nd volume of What If? comics were published in the late '80s, before the '90s took hold. Here's how they rank!
10 Best Marvel “What If” Stories From the Early ‘80s
There are a plethora of What If? stories published by Marvel, and those in the early '80s were some of the most memorable. Here are 10 of the best!
10 ‘90s Marvel “What If?” Stories the MCU Needs To Adapt
Marvel published many What If? comic books in the '90s, but only a few of them stood out as being perfect for an MCU adaptation. Here are the Top 10!
Marvel Risks Making Endgame's Cruelest Lie Even Worse In 2023
Avengers: Endgame played host to some particularly cruel moments, one of which being a lie that Marvel may be about to make even worse in 2023.
Marvel Finally Justifies The Darkest Part Of Star-Lord's Origin Story
The MCU is justifying the more complicated and challenging part of Star-Lord's origins where he was kidnapped from Earth and raised by aliens.
Marvel Theory Makes Hela's Phase 5 MCU Return Even More Terrifying
Cate Blanchett will be returning as Hela, the Goddess of Death, in What If...? season 2, showing off one of her most terrifying MCU abilities.
Marvel's New MCU Hero Supports A Major Infinity Stones Replacement Theory
Marvel Studios is set to introduce Kahhori to the MCU in What If...? season 2, and the appearance of this new hero supports a popular theory.
2 New Cap vs Thanos MCU Fights Revealed, Continuing Marvel's Struggle To Move Past Endgame
What If...? season 2 brings back Thanos and revisits the Avengers movies, which proves how important the Infinity Saga still is for Marvel Studios.