Fargo (2014)
Fargo is a Black Comedy Crime Drama television series that is based on the film of the same name, which was originally created by the Coen Brothers. The TV adaptation was developed by Noah Hawley and follows an anthology format for each of its seasons, taking place in a different time period or location within the "Fargo" universe. So far, the series has seen big-name stars like Billy Bob Thornton, Ewan McGregor, Chris Rock, and Kirsten Dunst.
- Cast
- Billy Bob Thornton , Allison Tolman , Martin Freeman , Kirsten Dunst , Patrick Wilson , Jesse Plemons , Ewan McGregor , Carrie Coon , Chris Rock , Jessie Buckley , Jason Schwartzman , Juno Temple , Jon Hamm
- Release Date
- April 15, 2014
- Seasons
- 5
- Network
- FX
- Franchise(s)
- Fargo
- Writers
- Noah Hawley
- Showrunner
- Noah Hawley
- Story By
- Joel and Ethan Coen
Fargo Season 5's Unsettling Dot Reveal Puts 1 Character In A Tough Position
How Fargo season 5, episode 6's unsettling reveal about Dot's past puts one particular character in a tough position, as explained by a cast member.
Fargo Season 5 Episode 6 Recap: Lorraine's Bank Deal & 11 Other Reveals
As Lorraine's purchase of a bank is complicated by the meddling Sheriff Tillman, Fargo season 5, episode 6 delivers a bunch of big reveals.
Fargo Season 5 Soundtrack Guide - Every Song & When It Plays
The Fargo season 5 soundtrack is full of great needle-drops. The fifth season of the FX crime drama features songs by Yes, Rush, and Marilyn Manson.
“I’m Not Sure They Could Tell You”: Dot's Lack Of Backstory In Fargo Season 5 Addressed By Star
Fargo season 5 star Juno Temple explains the lack of backstory for her character, giving a thoughtful answer about what drives Dorothy Lyon.
Fargo Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Dot's Confession & 7 Other Reveals
Fargo season 5 has its biggest plot developments so far in episode 5, "The Tiger," with Dot's bombshell confession to Olmstead and a new kidnapping.
Fargo Season 4 Defended By Creator After Becoming Lowest-Rated In Show's History
Fargo creator Noah Hawley defends season 4 of the anthology show, which is generally viewed as the weakest for the otherwise acclaimed series.
All 4 Fargo Seasons & Movie, Ranked Worst To Best
Fargo is synonymous with quality, with all four seasons and the movie being beloved, so here is every Fargo story ranked from worst to best.
Fargo Season 5 Interview: David Rysdahl On Working With Noah Hawley & Standing By His Woman
Fargo star David Rysdahl, who plays Wayne Lyon in season 5, breaks down the shocks of episode 4 and his character's marriage to Juno Temple's Dot.
Fargo Season 5's Unintentional Stranger Things Homage Featuring Joe Keery Explained By Creator
Creator Noah Hawley explains Fargo season 5, episode 4's unintentional homage to Stranger Things involving Joe Keery as Gator Tillman.
Is Scotty Sheriff Tillman's Daughter? How Dot's Fargo History Supports The Theory
The shocking revelations about Dot's history in Fargo season 5 seem to support the theory that Scotty is actually Sheriff Roy Tillman's daughter.
Fargo Season 5 Episode 4 Recap: The Fate Of Sheriff Tillman's Other Wife & 7 Other Reveals
Fargo season 5, episode 4, "Insolubilia," is full of big reveals, from Indira's connection to Lorraine to the fate of Tillman's other missing wife.
Is Jon Hamm's Sheriff Tillman The Leader Of A Cult In Fargo Season 5?
Fargo season 5 has provided a few hints that Jon Hamm's Sheriff Roy Tillman could be a cult leader. But is his community a full-blown cult?
Fargo Season 5 Episode 3 Cliffhanger Ending With Nightmare Before Christmas Reference Explained By Showrunner
Fargo showrunner Noah Hawley explains season 5, episode 3's cliffhanger ending and its prominent reference to The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Fargo Season 5's 1500s Flashback Explained & How It Connects To Ole Munch
Fargo season 5 has a surprising flashback to Wales in the 1500s. But what does the flashback mean and how does it connect to Ole Munch?
Fargo Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Gator's Dot Discovery & 6 Other Major Reveals
From a major coverup in Sheriff Tillman's department to Gator's shocking discovery about Dot, there are many big reveals in Fargo season 5, episode 3.
6 Ways Fargo Season 5 Is Already Similar To The Original Movie
Fargo season 5 is the closest the FX anthology show has come to directly adapting the original Coen brothers movie. There are a few key similarities.
Fargo Season 5 Interview: Dave Foley On Collaborating With Jennifer Jason Leigh
Fargo star Dave Foley discusses joining season 5, Danish Graves' relationship to the Lyon family, and working alongside Jennifer Jason Leigh.
Fargo Season 5 interview: Sam Spruell On Capturing The Strangeness Of Ole Munch
Fargo season 5 star Sam Spruell shares how he joined the FX show, how he approached Ole Munch, and whether he wants to return to Doctor Who.
Is Fargo A True Story? How The Movie & Show Tricks (& Mocks) You
The Fargo movie and TV show claim to be based on a true story, but are they really? Here's how the film and series trick, and mock, the audience.
Fargo Season 5's Rotten Tomatoes Score Is A Massive Improvement From Season 4
The Rotten Tomatoes score for Fargo season 5 finally gets tabulated, and it is clearly a major improvement from the low-rated season 4.