Created for Starz, Power is a crime drama series that follows Omari Hardwick as James St. Patrick, a wealthy, intellectual drug dealer known as Ghost to those around him. After years of building a successful criminal empire, James seeks to leave the business behind and move into the world of nightclub ownership. However, with his personal life in shambles and the police attempting to hone in on him, James will find that leaving behind a life of crime is easier said than done.
8 Power Universe Characters Who Could Carry Their Own Spinoffs
There have been several spin-offs in the Power Universe, and each one introduces new characters with the potential to have their own stories told.
10 Stories Power Book IV: Force Season 3 Needs To Include
With Power Book IV: Force season 3 officially confirmed, there are plenty of unfinished stories and character arcs that the next season must include.
Why Power Book IV: Force Killed Off One Of Its Biggest Villains & What It Means For Season 3
Power Book IV: Force killed off one of its main villains in season 2, but it had good reason to do so and it helps set up the story for season 3.
Power Ending Explained: Why Tariq Killed Ghost
After six acclaimed seasons, Power came to an end in 2020 by resolving its season-long whodunit premise. But why did Tariq kill Ghost in the finale?
Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 4 Renewed At Starz
Power Book III: Raising Kanan has been renewed for season 4 at Starz ahead of its season 3 premiere, confirming the ongoing spinoff will continue.
10 Best Characters In The Power Universe, Ranked
The Power universe has introduced a number of formidable and untouchable characters over the years, but some of them stand out as the best.
Why Was Power Book V Canceled? What Happened To The Rashad Tate Spinoff
Fans of the hit series are wondering why Power: Book V was canceled, and what, exactly, happened to the highly anticipated Rashad Tate spinoff.
Power Book IV: Force's Reception Proves Who The Franchise's Best Ghost Replacement Is
Power Book IV: Force has arguably been the best Power spinoff so far, and its positive reviews prove who the franchise's best Ghost replacement is.
Why Audiences Consider Power Book II: Ghost The Weakest Of The Series
Although every show in the Power universe is critically acclaimed and mostly well-liked by audiences, Power Book II: Ghost is considered the worst.
All 4 Power Shows, Ranked From Worst To Best
Power Book IV: Force continues Power's story and expands the universe with another spinoff, but which show is the best entry in the Power franchise?
Power True Story: How Much Is Based On 50 Cent's Real Life?
The crime drama Power has spawned four successful shows to help tell its complex story. While many details are fabricated, some key elements are real.
Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 3 - Release Date, Trailer, Story & Everything We Know
The Power prequel is returning to Starz in 2023, and here's everything we know about Power Book III: Raising Kanan and what awaits the Thomas empire.
Power Book III: Raising Kanan Season 3 Trailer Reveals Battle Lines Being Drawn
The trailer for Power Book III: Raising Kanan highlights the battle lines being drawn, as the titular character faces off against his own mother.
How To Watch Power & All Power Book Spinoffs In Order
The 2014 Starz crime drama television series Power generated three spinoffs – read on for all the different ways to watch the shows in order.
Power Book 2: Ghost Season 3 Finale Recap & Ending Explained
The Power Book II: Ghost season 3 finale was an explosive conclusion of sorts, but it set up even more thrilling twists and turns for season 4.
Power Book II: Ghost Season 4 Confirmed - Renewal & Everything We Know
Tariq St. Patrick has been stepping out of his father's shadow in Power Book II: Ghost, and seeaon 4 is confirmed to be happening by Starz.
Power Book IV: Force Season 2 - Release Date, Trailer & Everything We Know
Starz's series Power got another spinoff with Power Book IV: Force, seeing Tommy Egan cut ties with New York for good, and season 2 is on the way.
10 Best Shows Like Starz's Power Book III: Raising Kanan
From iconic TV prequels to historical hustle stories, fans of Power Book III: Raising Kanan have a lot of other shows to binge on.
Shonen Jump's New Manga Steals Luffy's First One Piece Devil Fruit Power
Shonen Jump's Aliens Area came out yesterday, and the first chapter has the protagonist use Monkey D. Luffy's signature attack from One Piece.
Power Book IV: Force - The 10 Main Characters, Ranked By Bravery
Just like the original show, Power Book IV: Force has a long list of tough characters. But who among them is more courageous than the rest?