
Agent Carter (2015)

Agent Carter is an Action-Adventure Superhero Sci-Fi television series that takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The show was developed by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and revolves around the Stan Lee Comic Book character, Peggy Carter. Starring Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter herself, the adventure follows the S.H.I.E.L.D agent as she attempts to help Howard Stark from being accused of treason.

Agent Carter TV Poster
Agent Carter

Kyle Bornheimer , Shea Whigham , Lyndsy Fonseca , James D'Arcy , Dominic Cooper , Hayley Atwell , Chad Michael Murray
Release Date
January 6, 2015
Stephen McFeely , Christopher Marcus
Louis D'Esposito
Tara Butters , Michele Fazekas
Story By
stephen mcfley


From the case files of S.H.I.E.L.D.: In 1946, following Steve Rogers’ (Chris Evans) crash to his icy tomb, Agent Peggy Carter (Haley Atwell), working for the covert Strategic Scientific Reserve, must come to the aid of brilliant scientist Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper), who finds himself framed for selling his deadliest weapons - “Bad Babies” - to the highest buyer. With the help of Edwin Jarvis (James D'Arcy), Stark’s personal butler, Carter must track down those responsible, dispose of the weapons and clear his name before they all are targeted for treason.


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Marvel Entertainment's television shows may not be directly connected to the MCU anymore, but they still featured plenty of character crossovers.

Captain Carter Ruined Peggy's Story In The MCU 1
What If...? (2021)
Captain Carter Ruined Peggy's Story In The MCU

Peggy Carter stood out among Captain America’s colorful cast. However, What If…?’s Captain Carter ruins what the MCU worked so hard to establish.

Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter holding a walkie talkie in Agent Carter 1
Agent Carter Season 3: Atwell On What She'd Want To See In Marvel Show

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Avengers Hayley Atwell Agent Carter James D'Arcy as Edwin Jarvis 1
Avengers: Endgame & Agent Carter’s Jarvis Actor Open to MCU Return

James D'Arcy, who played Edwin Jarvis in Agent Carter and Avengers: Endgame, is open to returning for another Marvel Cinematic Universe project.

A split image features Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa on either side of a zodiac wheel 1
Which Agent Carter Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

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How MCU's Hydra & The Red Room Went From Allies To Enemies

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A split screen image of Agent Carter characters. 1
MCU: Agent Carter’s 10 Best Characters

Marvel's Agent Carter showed how Peggy Carter went from helping Captain America to building S.H.I.E.L.D., and here are the show's best characters.

Two side by side images of Agent Carter and the TV series logo. 1
MCU: Agent Carter’s 10 Best Quotes

Peggy Carter has many great lines and quotes throughout the MCU, and some of her best are in the unforgettable Agent Carter TV series.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
Marvel Author Clarifies Agents of SHIELD & Agent Carter Canon Issue

The co-author of the new Marvel Studios making-of book has clarified what it says regarding the canon statuses of Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter.

Marvel One Shot Agent Carter poster 1
Agent Carter One-Shot Removed From Disney+

The Marvel One-Shot, Agent Carter, gets removed from Disney+, despite the short film getting its own separate tab earlier in September.

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Why Marvel TV Shows Won't Become MCU Canon Again (Despite Fan Complaints)

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Who Is Bridget Regan? Where You Know Arrowverse’s Poison Ivy From

The Arrowverse's Poison Ivy will likely look familiar, as actress Bridget Regan has an extensive and varied career in film, theater and television.

Agent Carter SHIELD Logo 1
Marvel Redefines Agent Carter's MCU Canon (Worse Than Agents Of SHIELD)

Marvel Studios has redefined Agent Carter's canon ahead of the upcoming What If..? series on Disney+ - and fans will be disappointed by their choice.

Lyndsy Fonseca's 10 Best Roles 1
Agent Carter Star Wants To See Peggy And Angie In Multiverse Storyline

Agent Carter star Lyndsy Fonseca wants Peggy Carter and Angie to get together in a new multiverse storyline as the MCU continues to expand.

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James Gunn Doesn't Consider Marvel Shows Before WandaVision MCU Canon

James Gunn doesn't think Marvel shows that aired before WandaVision, like Agents of SHIELD and Daredevil, are part of the MCU canon.

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Every MCU Appearance By Neal McDonough's Dum Dum (Aside From Captain America)

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Split image of Chris Evans as Captain America from Avengers: Endgame and Peggy Carter from The First Avenger. 1
If Captain America Returns To The MCU, So Should Agent Carter

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Agent Peggy Carter turns around in the middle of a busy street 1
Agent Carter Trailer Teases 2-Hour Movie Fan Version Of TV Show

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Dominic Cooper as Jesse Custer in Preacher 1
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