
Ms. Marvel (2022)

Ms. Marvel is an action-superhero TV series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The show follows Iman Vellani, a 16-year-old high school student in New Jersey who is a huge fan of superheroes and has difficulty fitting in at school. When Iman is gifted a mysterious bangle from her grandfather, she discovers it allows her to utilize cosmic energy and construct what she can imagine. Now an accidental superhero, Iman will try to rise to the challenge and make a name for herself as Ms. Marvel.

Ms. Marvel

Matt Lintz , Laith Naki , Rish Shah , Nimra Bucha , Iman Vellani , Yasmeen Fletcher , Saagar Shaikh , Travina Springer , Zenobia Shroff , Mohan Kapur , Aramis Knight , Azher Usman
Release Date
June 8, 2022
Disney Channel
Bisha K. Ali , Adrian Alphona
Adil El Arbi
Bisha K. Ali
Story By
Adrian Alphona


Ms. Marvel is an action-superhero TV series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The show follows Iman Vellani, a 16-year-old high school student in New Jersey who is a huge fan of superheroes and has difficulty fitting in at school. When Iman is gifted a mysterious bangle from her grandfather, she discovers it allows her to utilize cosmic energy and construct what she can imagine. Now an accidental superhero, Iman will try to rise to the challenge and make a name for herself as Ms. Marvel.


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Ms. Marvel's Powers are Officially More Durable Than MCU's Mister Fantastic

Ms. Marvel's embiggen powers have similarities to Mister Fantastic, but there is one major difference that makes Kamala Khan more durable.

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Marvel Won't Replace Kamala Khan's Comic Powers with Her MCU Ones - For Now

Ms. Marvel fans can rest assured that Marvel won't retcon who Kamala Khan is in favor of hewing closer to her MCU counterpart - for now at least.

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Iman Vellani Wants To Adapt Her Mutant-Heavy Comic Run In A Future Ms. Marvel Season

Exclusive: Iman Vellani shares her interest in adapting her Ms. Marvel comics into a future season of the Disney+ series exploring her mutant side.

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Ms. Marvel's Mutant Power Could Eliminate Her Classic Stretching Abilities

Ms. Marvel's mutant power is a huge source of speculation, but a warning from Emma Frost suggests it could be a more dramatic change than expected.

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Iman Vellani Proves Her Deep Marvel Knowledge With Her Pick For Ms. Marvel Season 2's Villain

Ms. Marvel and The Marvels star Iman Vellani has voiced her pick for the Marvel Comics villain who could debut in the MCU's Ms. Marvel season 2.

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10 Things Ms. Marvel Season 2 Needs To Have If It Happens

Ms. Marvel season 2 has yet to be confirmed, but there are currently plenty of Kamala Khan storylines that a second outing could explore.

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The Marvels Interview: Iman Vellani On Hopes For The Young Avengers & X-Men

The Marvels' star, Iman Vellani, discusses Kamala's growth, her hopes for the Young Avengers, and which X-Men she wants Kamala to interact with.

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Ms. Marvel's Adult Superhero Costume Revealed in God-Tier Alex Ross Art

Ms. Marvel was a bright star while still a teen, and now Alex Ross has unveiled an adult Kamala Khan in god-tier art.

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The MCU's First Mutants Mention Almost Didn't Make The Cut

The MCU first mentioned the mutants in the Ms. Marvel TV show, but the X-Men tease almost didn't find its way into the final cut of the series.

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Even Ms. Marvel Knows Her New Mutant Status Doesn't Change Her Character

A lot has changed about Ms. Marvel, who died and was resurrected as a mutant, but at her core Kamala Khan remains who she's always been.

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Ms. Marvel Season 2 Gets Honest Update From Kamala Khan Actress After The Marvels' Release

Iman Vellani, who plays Kamala Khan in the MCU, gives an honest update about Ms. Marvel season 2 after she made her big-screen debut in The Marvels.

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What Movie Is The Marvels' [SPOILER] Cameo Setting Up?

The Marvels' features a major cameo character who has a very exciting meeting with Kamala Khan's Ms. Marvel, but what movie is being set up?

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What Is Ms. Marvel's Bracelet? Quantum Bands Powers & Origin Explained

Ms. Marvel episode 1 introduced the MCU's version of Kamala Khan, granting her powers through a mysterious bracelet. But just what is it?

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Ms. Marvel’s MCU Show Secretly Introduced Another Mutant – Theory Explained

While Ms. Marvel has been revealed to be a mutant in Marvel Comics, her close friend who also appeared on her MCU show might be a mutant too.

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Who Is Ms. Marvel? Kamala Khan's MCU Origin, Powers & Comics Changes Explained

Iman Vellani debuted as Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel in MCU Phase 4; the young Jersey City teen next joins other superheroes in The Marvels.

One MCU Superhero Owes Her Life To 'Weekend at Bernie's' (Yes, Really)

In Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #3, Kamala Khan's life was saved thanks to inspiration from an unexpected '80s buddy comedy, of all places.

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Introducing Captain Pakistan - Ms. Marvel Just Formed Her Own Avengers Team

Ms. Marvel has finally gotten around to assembling her very own Avengers team, including one of Marvel's newest heroes: Captain Pakistan.

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7 Superpowers Ms. Marvel Still Hasn't Used In The MCU

Iman Vélani debuted as the MCU's Kamala Khan, a.k.a. Ms. Marvel, in Phase 4, and there are still several Marvel Comics powers she hasn't shown off.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
Major MCU Phase 4 & 5 Problem Makes Way More Sense After Behind The Scenes Marvel Bombshell

A major Phase 4 & 5 problem with MCU TV makes so much more sense with behind-the-scenes details confirming how the shows were being produced.

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Iman Vellani Just Introduced a New Silver Surfer to Marvel Canon - & He Has a Genius Codename

Kamala Khan has been having some pretty strange dreams lately, and their recurring star is a Ms. Marvel creation in more ways than one.

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