
Evil Dead

Created by Sam Raimi, Evil Dead is a horror-comedy franchise that began with the release of the original film, The Evil Dead, in 1981. The series follows protagonist Ashley "Ash" Williams as he and his friends venture into a cabin for a vacation only to discover it harbors a demonic book that can summon terrifying creatures known as Deadites, hell-bent on torturing and slaying them all. As the series progresses, Ash becomes more of a masculine B-movie action hero until the soft reboot helmed by Eli Roth occurs, which shifts the franchise deeper into its horror roots.

The Evil Dead Franchise Poster
Evil Dead

Created by
Sam Raimi
Bruce Campbell , Jane Levy , Shiloh Fernandez , Lily Sullivan , Nell Fisher , Ray Santiago , Dana DeLorenzo
TV Show(s)
Ash vs Evil Dead
Ashley Williams , Mia Allen , David Allen , Bethany Bixler , Kassie Bixler , Pablo Simon Bolivar , Kelly Maxwell
Video Game(s)
Evil Dead: Hail to the King , Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick , Evil Dead: Regeneration , Evil Dead: The Game


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Evil Dead Officially Admits That Army of Darkness' 'Happy' Ending Is Hiding Dark Consequences

Dynamite's Army of Darkness Forever series explores the consequences of the so-called "happy" ending to the original Evil Dead trilogy.

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Impressive Horror Movie Art Brings Genre Icons Together (& Includes Some Odd Choices)

An impressive piece of horror movie art brings many icons from across the genre together, including a few odd choices within the collage.

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Evil Dead Just Made Army of Darkness' Original Time-Travel Ending Even Darker

Dynamite's Army of Darkness Forever comic book sequel to the Evil Dead series reveals the third film's "happy" ending is in fact the darkest timeline.

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All 6 Evil Dead Necronomicon Versions & Their Differences Explained

Every Evil Dead movie has a slight variant of the Necronomicon book, either in appearance or name. Here is each book and its unique features.

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1 Evil Dead Rise Line Finally Explains Why Deadites Are So Unpredictable

The vicious and lethal Deadites of the Evil Dead franchise could probably kill their victims immediately, but instead they torment and disturb.

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Army Of Darkness Alternate Endings Explained

The original Evil Dead movies gradually shift genres throughout the trilogy, with the alternate endings of Army of Darkness highlighting the change.

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Evil Dead's 10 Most Powerful Deadites Explained

The Evil Dead franchise is full of Deadites, but these 10 demons are more powerful than any others. So, here's what makes them so deadly.

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Every Evil Dead Movie Ranked By Kill Count

The Evil Dead franchise features plenty of gruesome deaths for humans and Deadites alike, but which of the horror movies has the highest body count?

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Ash Williams' 6 Evil Dead Weapons, Ranked By Body Count

Bruce Campbell's Ash is a horror icon, but did his chainsaw, Delta, or boomstick kill the most Deadites in the Evil Dead movies and Ash Vs Evil Dead?

Ash with a chainsaw arm in Ash vs Evil Dead 1
Evil Dead's Best Ash Williams' Replacement Was Introduced 5 Years Ago

With Bruce Campbell retiring from his iconic Evil Dead role, the franchise needs a replacement for Ash Williams – and it already has one.

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Ash Williams & 6 More Characters Who Can Return In Evil Dead 6

Evil Dead 6 is undoubtedly happening, and there are several characters that could return for the upcoming film - including Bruce Campbell's Ash.

Bruce Campbell's Ash Williams in Ash vs. Evil Dead. 1
Evil Dead Rise Confirms Ash Williams Needs To Return - But Not In Evil Dead 6

Evil Dead Rise proved that there is plenty of life in the Evil Dead franchise, but this doesn't mean Bruce Campbell's Ash return should be in a movie.

Ash in Army of Darkness and Ash vs. Evil Dead. 1
There Are 3 Bruce Campbells? Genius Evil Dead Theory Changes Ash Williams' Entire 42-Year History

Ash Williams is the star of the Evil Dead franchise, but this theory proposes he may not be alone, as there could be an Evil Dead multiverse.

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Evil Dead Finally Proved The Franchise Doesn't Need Ash (But Still Needs Bruce Campbell)

Evil Dead Rise didn't feature Ash Williams, but its success proves that the franchise doesn't need him anymore, but still needs Bruce Campbell.

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10 Most Brutal Evil Dead Deaths In The Franchise

The Evil Dead franchise has seen many deaths across film and TV, and some of them stand out for how brutal, graphic, or strange they were.

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Evil Dead Rise's Look Was Inspired By Another Classic Horror Movie (Not Sam Raimi's)

Exclusive: Director Lee Cronin reveals one of the biggest influences for Evil Dead Rise's look was another classic horror movie not from Sam Raimi.

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"I Broke The Universe Open": Evil Dead Rise Director Is Confident About Future (Including New Directors)

Exclusive: Evil Dead Rise director Lee Cronin is confident in the franchise's future, including feeling new directors will get their chance to shine.

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"There's No Pushing Him Around": Evil Dead Rise Director On Bruce Campbell's Potential Ash Return

Exclusive: Evil Dead Rise director Lee Cronin weighs in on Bruce Campbell's potential live-action Ash return, feeling it will come down to the actor.

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Bruce Campbell's Hidden Evil Dead Rise Cameo Explained (Is He Playing Ash?)

Although Ash Williams isn't killing Deadites in Evil Dead Rise, franchise staple Bruce Campbell returns for a minor cameo in the fifth movie.

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Lee Cronin Talks Evil Dead Rise's Unique Challenges, Expanding Deadite Lore & More

Evil Dead Rise director Lee Cronin talks about the unique challenges of the horror sequel, expanding Deadite lore, and the franchise's future.

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